Friday, February 21, 2014

Your Mouth is Telling a Lie

In my opinion this says so much. When you are talking to that one person you know what to say but sometimes when they talk to you its just like... "I want to be the cool kid." "I want to be different." "I Want to stand out." But can't you stand out by the way you act? Be a nicer person. Be truthful to friends. To your family. To your teachers. And especially be truthful to yourself. Even if you think you aren't the prettiest girl or cutest boy in the world, just say to yourself you are beautiful or you are handsome. Walk down that hallway at school, at work anywhere, like you own you and not no one will be able to hurt you.
Your eyes can tell someone more about you than yourself. They can show sadness, happiness and even depression and tiredness. one glimpse of someone's eyes can mean something different to anyone but it takes one person to make a difference. Instead of running your mouth with these lies and mistruths, tell a story with your eyes only.
I mean yea it's ok to say a mistruth here and there but a few years from now that lie you told that one kid in 7th grade, he'll remember it. Every detail from the day it happened to exactly the way you said it. Think about it.
Talk to someone with only your eyes to be the narrator.

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